Have you considered that when you have a cat or dog at home, you should carefully check the plants at home by their names and look, if they are poisonous or safe for cats?
There are many popular house plants, which are actually poisonous if chewed or ingested.
DO NOT COUNT THAT YOUR CAT KNOWS WHAT TO EAT and what not and will not touch them. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. And some toxic plants like palm trees are poisoning slowly by regular chewing, so it will be harder for you to understand and catch the problem on time.
The most extensive and informative list that can be found so far on the topic is ASPCA’s list of toxic and non-toxic plants. Most of the house and garden plants worldwide are listed there with their popular and Latin name and you can search for a plant by name.

Christmas Flоwer – Poinsettia (disambiguation)

Every Christmas millions of poisonous plants for pets and kids enter people’s homes because of their “red exotic beauty”.

Lilies (all varieties)

Just one bite of a leaf or the flower’s pollen could cause lethargy and vomiting within one hour of consumption. If left untreated, your cat could go into kidney failure. The pollen alone can be lethal to your feline friend.

Dracaena Plants

There are about 40 varieties of this popular, leafy houseplant, including the dragon plant. If cats eat the long fronds typical of these plants, they’ll become depressed, lose their appetites and possibly even vomit blood. However, it’s usually not a fatal reaction, and symptoms tend to go away after 12 to 24 hours. Still, you should keep an eye out for worsening symptoms, and take your cat to the vet if it doesn’t start to recover after 24 hours.


Green or Dried Garlic and Onion

Additional Common Names: Mother-In-Law-Plant, Devils Backbone, Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions
Toxicity can be super fatal in cats. Immediate veterinary care needed. 

Daffodils & Tulips

Any calcium oxalate plants — including philodendrons, Chinese evergreens, Virginia creepers, spinach, agaves, tea leaves, rhubarb, and taro

The poisonous part of these indoor and outdoor plants are the microscopic needle-like barbs on their stems and leaves. If bitten, they cause inflammation in the mouth and gums and result in excessive drooling and vomiting.
You can take care of the symptoms yourself by giving your cat calcium in the form of milk, yogurt, sour cream, or ice cream. In rare cases, the swelling could inhibit breathing, so keep an eye on your pet for 48 hours.
The most extensive and informative list that can be found so far on the topic is ASPCA’s list of toxic and non-toxic plants. Most of the house and garden plants worldwide are listed there with their popular and Latin name and you can search for a plant by name.
FOR CATS: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list
FOR DOGS: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/dogs-plant-list
Thank you very much for reading!!
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